Aliens in our own country!
Most of us would have seen the Honourable Prime Minister saying that the reservation issue is settled. We think we need to remind the PM that we fail to see how it is settled. This country is supposed to be a democratic country and not a country ruled by a dictator. A person siting in his Air-Conditioned room on a leather-backed chair suddenly gets into his mind that he will give reservation to garner votes in the next election and at the same time keep his plush office to himself. And the PM says the issue is settled? Maybe the PM needs to get himself checked by an Ophthalmologist for he doesn't see so many of us protesting all over the country or maybe he doesn't trust the doctors in India! We all will like to remind you, Sir, that we are the people who deal with lives here. We do not get second chances like you do in elections. And we also fail to understand what you were laughing at! We think this as a very serious matter. Unfortunately, you seem to disagree. Are we supposed to believe that you laughed at your own inability to get things under control? Or was it a satirical laugh at us? Any which way we didn't like it.
With all due respect Sir, we think you could have done better. Infact you could have done something. We are feeling like aliens in this country. Have you suddenly decided that India is over-populated and you need to get rid of a part of the existing population? We can give you better ideas to control the Population Growth Rate.And where is the hyped up Opposition? We thought you were supposed to question the Govt. on such things. Maybe you are afraid of opposing the Govt. for fear of becoming un-popular with the backward castes! We'll grant you that. But maybe you forget that we are part of the electorate too. If none of you have the will to oppose this then why are you in Parliament? Maybe you forget that you draw salaries from the tax we pay.If the Govt. is so concerned about the upliftment of the under-priviliged, why don't they open up primary schools and middle schools in the bacward areas? For whom are we talking about higher education when the majority of the backward castes are still not literate. Would the people with power take the pain to explain this question?We are seeking answers from you. We are seeking justice from you. We are supposedly the cream of the society! Have you developed a sudden distaste for this cream? If yes, it explains your actions. If no, why the injustice towards us? We are waiting...
With all due respect Sir, we think you could have done better. Infact you could have done something. We are feeling like aliens in this country. Have you suddenly decided that India is over-populated and you need to get rid of a part of the existing population? We can give you better ideas to control the Population Growth Rate.And where is the hyped up Opposition? We thought you were supposed to question the Govt. on such things. Maybe you are afraid of opposing the Govt. for fear of becoming un-popular with the backward castes! We'll grant you that. But maybe you forget that we are part of the electorate too. If none of you have the will to oppose this then why are you in Parliament? Maybe you forget that you draw salaries from the tax we pay.If the Govt. is so concerned about the upliftment of the under-priviliged, why don't they open up primary schools and middle schools in the bacward areas? For whom are we talking about higher education when the majority of the backward castes are still not literate. Would the people with power take the pain to explain this question?We are seeking answers from you. We are seeking justice from you. We are supposedly the cream of the society! Have you developed a sudden distaste for this cream? If yes, it explains your actions. If no, why the injustice towards us? We are waiting...
Just because there were protests doesn't mean that the majority of the people support his plan.
Anonymous, at Mon May 29, 01:55:00 AM GMT+5:30
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