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{Sajith M}

August 24, 2004

A Virtual Girlfriend on your mobile

BBC reports

For men without a partner, help may be at hand - in the form of a virtual girlfriend.
The Hong Kong company Artificial Life, which developed the new game, says the girl will appear as an animated figure on the video screen of a mobile phone.

But there is a downside to the virtual girlfriend - she will require more flowers and gifts than many real women.

Artificial Life is hoping to launch the new game later this year, on the latest 3-G mobile phones.

All virtual girls will look the same - but each girl will behave differently - depending on how much money is spent on her.

On top of a general subscription, men will be charged a fee to buy flowers and gifts for the virtual girlfriend.

In return, she will introduce them to different aspects of her life, like letting them meet her female friends - also electronic images.

If players neglect her, she will refuse to speak.

The company says the amount of money players will have to spend has yet to be determined.

But unlike other computer games, it seems that cash, not skill, will enable players to climb the different levels in the game.

Oh an this is what she would look like

August 23, 2004

Oh! Sorry you cant host the national flag

Or you could have a non bilable warrant issued against you.

Dammn it, you should be free to host the tricolor anywhere in India.

August 05, 2004

Indonesia executes Indian

A police firing squad on Thursday executed an Indian national found guilty of smuggling heroin into Indonesia the first time Jakarta has carried out a death sentence since 2001.

Ayodhay Prasad Chaubey's execution came despite pleas for clemency by the Indian Embassy, the European Union and rights group Amnesty International, who had complained his trial fell short of international standards of fairness

"Ayodhay was shot in the heart from a distance of 10 meters (32 feet)," said north Sumatra prosecutor chief Sudibyo Saleh.

India decides to kill one of its own citizens, and now an Indian is killed by the Indonesian authorities. Guess legal murders are becoming commonplace.

Yet Another Legal Murder

With President A P J Abdul Kalam on turning down Dhananjoy Chatterjee's plea for clemency on Wednesday, its almost certain that one more murder would happen. The difference this time: this murder would be legal.

Capital Punishment is just not suitable for any civilized country. Wonder when India will wake up to this reality.