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{Sajith M}

May 29, 2004

Loony Left

Been reading this artcile Imbalanced media and the loony Left on Rediff.com

Here are some excrepts.

Congress after making hazaar hullabaloo about Narendra Modi and promising to prosecute him, promptly made Jagdish Tytler into a minister. A simple google on 'Tytler + Sikh + riots' will reveal ample evidence of Mr Tytler's unflinching leadership in the perpetration of the 1984 riots. We now have the premier protagonist of the anti-Sikh riots being re-knighted, while at the same time rants of 'Modi must be strung up' fill the air.

Just after we had A B Bardhan of the CPI, the proud king-maker based on the 10 or so seats won by his party, pontificating about the removal of criminal elements from politics, Taslimuddin was brought on as a minister. Taslimuddin, of course, has such impressive claims to fame, as alleged dacoity/rape/extortion and the pride of being kicked out of the previous Deve Gowda government. Who came up with this particular nomination? As far as we know, the Left, including the CPI, have supported this nomination -- strange, since it was the veteran CPI leader Indrajit Gupta, who many years ago, refused to take charge of the home ministry, until Taslimuddin was removed from office.

Sometimes, of course, openly lying just works well too. One scribe declares that 'when one looks at the performance of the BJP over their five years in power, one recognises that they achieved nothing.' But CNN, which has a little more of a reputation than this gent, declares, 'Atal Bihari Vajpayee changed the face of the world's largest democracy transforming it into a military and economic power. During his administration, India became a declared nuclear power and emerged as an economic power as well, firmly embracing globalisation and the market.' Now you decide, which one rings true.

The danger of having extremist ideologues so near the seat of power quickly became apparent as the stock market took a 300 point plunge, wiping out $20 billion of market value. Not satisfied with wiping out hard-earned Indian corporate growth and people's life savings, immediately after this, these Left-wing extremists declared that there was a massive conspiracy to manipulate the market. The market panicked on hearing such irresponsible statements from folks who could well be part of the government of the 10th largest economy of the world. The result -- at one point nearly $60 billion of hard-earned national corporate wealth had vanished. Wonder how many lives would have been destroyed, if the market had not reacted positively to Dr Singh's subsequent nomination. Sucheta Dalal puts the magnitude of this loss in perspective -- No global capital market has witnessed a 25 percent collapse in stock prices in just two trading days. Thanks, in no small measure, to our ideological warriors, who now want to roll-back hard-earned power-reforms, thus propelling India back to the dark ages.

But, who'll tell the Leftists about patriotism? They are internationalists, first and last. These extremists suggest dialogue with Pakistan, but never ever mention terrorism against India in any of their missives about Pakistan. Instead, they pout over 'Israel being the only State that sponsors terrorism.' For a country that has lost 100,000 people to organised terrorism from Pakistan over the last two decades -- that definition, which does not include the primary source of terrorism against Indian citizens, is tantamount to sedition. Unfortunately, for our Leftist extremists, it's always internationalism first, as has been clear since the Quit India Movement and the 1962 war with China.

Hmm.... That is some interesting reading. Find the complete article here.


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